Brian Anselmo

I’m a father and husband first and an entrepreneur second. I left home in 2015 to pursue a creative path in photography and cinematic film. I finished film school and started working in an industry of everything surf, motorcycle and lifestyle. I spent a good amount of my years surfing and traveling around in vans as I shot content and campaigns for brands. The idea of having a rolling home studio was something I knew I wanted everyone to experience. I’ve met many amazing small business owners on the way and just knew that I had to encompass my entire lifestyle into a business and so we birthed The Good Van in 2018.

John Baldomar

With my love for the outdoors, building and tinkering with technology, building our first tiny home on wheels came naturally. I've always wanted to have an adventurous, free life, which has brought me to the path I’m on today. After earning a degree in computer software and working in the industry, I came to the conclusion that a 9–5 job was not for me. I started modest enterprises in vinyl wraps, PC assembly, and e-commerce, but they never allowed me to live the way I desired. My girlfriend and I decided to build our first camper van in the summer of 2020, which inspired me to begin a new venture. Brian got in touch with me in 2021 about working together on a collaborative build and flip. We came to see that we shared a wide range of interests, including camping, photography, design, and vintage motorcycles. I became a co-owner of The Good Van company, and together with our skillset, we’ve created some absolutely gorgeous camper vans.

Cassidy Matheson

Exhausted of living my life within society’s standard of what is considered “normal”, I uprooted my life in the Midwest and moved out to Southern California, one radical life decision catalyzing the next. After two years of living out here and growing my perspective on what it means to live authentically, I finally decided to sell most of what I owned and move into a van full time. Now, a year later, I have been a full time van lifer and am nearing the end of my own DIY van build. It feels like yet another moment of fate finding myself on The Good Van Team. You’ll see me around the shop and probably in your inbox answering any questions you might have. I’m looking forward to meeting you :)